2nd Street Studio of Dance Studio
100 East 2nd Street
Rochester, MI 48307
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2nd Street Studio of Dance

Tuition/Fee Policies
•        Tuition is due by the 10th of each month
•        A late fee of $15 will be added if your tuition is not paid by the 15th of the month
•        Tuition may be paid by cash, check, or credit card
•        Automatic billing option available so you don't forget!
•        There is a yearly non refundable registration fee of $20 per student or $30 per family
•        Costume fees are due by Nov. 24th and are non refundable
•        Late costume fees incur a $15 shipping fee per costume
•        If you miss a class you may do a makeup class. We do not prorate.

Enrollment/Withdrawal Policies
•  Once a class is full you may join a waiting list
•  Withdrawls must be made by email BEFORE the 10th of the month, or tuition will be charged

Classroom Policies
•        Use the restroom before or after your class time
•        Follow the provided dress code for your particular class
•        Be respectful of your teachers and fellow students
•        Be on time in order to warm up properly
•        No bullying will be tolerated
•        Only water allowed in the dance rooms (No food, gum, or sugary drinks)
•        Do not enter the dance rooms without a teacher present
•        No hanging or leaning on the ballet barres
•        Please BRING WATER BOTTLES to stay hydrated as we do not have a water fountain

Waiting Room Policies
•        Please be respectful of all classes occurring while you are waiting
•        Put dance bags in cubbies to prevent clutter and cell phone distractions in the dance rooms
          (those taking combo classes please bring bags with shoes into studio)
•        No running, horseplay, or yelling in the waiting area
•        If you have a child ages 2-4 or a child with special needs please stay in the waiting areas close to the dance
          room during class time in case of a bathroom emergency!  Tights can be very tricky!
•        Please throw away or recycle all food and trash in appropriate bins

Makeup Class Policies
•        Students who miss class due to sickness or injury may makeup up their missed classes during another class
          at their same level or one level below
•        We do NOT follow the school break schedule please check your email and studio bulletin board or Web Calendar
•        Please schedule your make up classes with the front office

*Please note that during the spring semester classes will be working on recital dances in class*